Sunday, October 25, 2009

Monument in Savannah celebrates Haiti's role in American revolution

When the world look at Haiti today, what comes to mind generally is the nepotism, the poverty, the coup d'etat, the tonton macoutes and so short the image of a failed state.
If I lament this state of reality, I also feel we as a people have been cheated of our true place in history and our contribution to the world.

In fact very few people are aware of the efforts the young nation made to help the freedom fighters of South America. The other day, someone asked me if it was true that Haiti fought for its independence and was the first black republic.
Finally the role our ancestors played in the important battle of Savannah during the American revolution has been recognized...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Ayibobo Japan Tour 2009

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I just returned from my first tour to Japan titled "Ayibobo Japan". It was also my first visit of this country that has always fascinated me since the day I first read James Clavell's "Shogun", this reading would lead me to books by Yoshikawa Eiji and films by Kurosawa...

I did not have enough free time however to explore the country as I would have loved to, but was still able to visit the beautiful "Imperial Villa" in Kyoto a definite example of the Japanese's art de vivre and one of the most beautiful Japanese garden....

In terms of history, I was touched the most by "Nijojo" or Nijo Castle, it was the shogun palace in Kyoto the imperial city, this place saw the affirmation of the Tokugawa clan as shogun and the resignation of Yoshinobu the last Tokugawa shogun. About a year ago, I had read the almost day to day account of those last days of the shogunate in the "Last Shogun" by Shiba Ryotaro and this made the visit of the castle even more vivid...

The temple of the temple at Nara just defied words...

This little film is not a tourist film it is more about my tour, the people I met and the way I experience Japan. It is not a professional film, the camera's work and editing is definitely amateurish, which is a shame that I have to admitt since years ago I studied "Television Production" but for years I did not touch a camera (neither was I the one always filming since I was on stage) and this is my first try at Imovie editing on my macbook.

So I hope you will be tolerant and enjoy the film.