Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9/11

8 years ago, I was seating on the terrace of a bar in Paris, enjoying my last day of vacation I was due to leave the day after. I went inside to use the men's room as I walked back I noticed everyone had their eyes fixed on the Tv screen, so I looked up and saw that awfull image that we all remember, at first I tought it was a movie, even tough it looked like the news. But my mind was simply refusing to register and accept this could be real...
I remember walking back to the terrace, nothing had changed nobody outside seemed to know what was going on, the air was still carefree... As I sat back my friends noticing how stunned I looked wanted to know what had happened to me... Very soon the mood changed on the terrace, in the metro that we took everyone look somber. For my generation, it was the first time we had the feeling that the sky had fallen over our heads. the numbers 911 took on new meaning and will never be anonymous again
The next day I stayed all day at the airport, and was taken by bus to an hotel untill the planes could fly again. Nobody complained, our world had changed but we were alive and thankful and grieving for those that were lost or had lost a dear one, grieving that other human beings could have perpetuated such horrors.
8 years later, that action is still claiming lives but we most of us have gone back to our carefree lives saved the nostalgia that our best years may be behind us...
May the departed find peace...
May the living find peace...

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