Saturday, May 1, 2010

Another sleepless night watching Dexter

Please help I need to sleep... a friend got me started on DEXTER and during the first 20 minutes or so of the first episode I did not get it. Why will people be so caught up in a story with the hero being a serial killer, frankly I did not see the point. Two weeks later, I am down to the 3rd season and has been losing a lot of sleeps. Between 3 to 4 episodes a night and the hours spent in my home recording studio, generally past midnight. I am like a walking zombie.

Truly I still find the series kind of disturbing. Why would people wish that a serial killer not get caught? What make us accept the crimes he commit? Is it the code? Since only the criminals are punished by his blade. Do we still believe in the justice system? Why is it so easy for the writer to change our perception of good and evil?
I honestly don't know but tonight I have friends coming over for dinner and when they leave which should be late, I certainly will watch at least one or two episodes of Dexter and prolong the night.

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