Sunday, October 19, 2008


I just returned home after a week in Paris, where I took part 1 week ago in a benefit concert to help the victims of the storm in Haiti. As the concert progressed, I felt a sense of despair and hope at the same time, because as they say in Haiti " we have fallen in the pit but sometimes the pit is bottomless" but looking from the stage at all those young Haitian immigrants growing up in France accutely aware of the state of their country and its citizen, knowing the resilience of the people of Haiti, I desperately needed to believe that we will somehow climb out of the pit.
As many of you may have heard the country was hit very hard by 4 major storms this season and the death toll has risen to more than 800 and more could be expected since many are still missing and living conditions have gone from bad to worse.
I was born in Haiti and the country is the poorest country in the Americas, just one hour and a half away from Miami. Over 200 years ago, when the country acceded to independance no one could have imagine the present situation. Indeed the country was the richest of the French colony representing 1/3 of France's oversea's wealth. But decades of mismanagement, authoritarianism, pork barrel politics and violent dictatorships has led to a breakdown of the most basic administration services, corruption, poverty and despair.
As we get deeper into the 21st century, it is my hope that Haiti and its people will know a better time than we have so far.
I invite you to check my song "Madness" about Haiti that was featured on PBS' "Road Trip Nation"
Peace and untill next time CHEERS

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