Wednesday, October 8, 2008

New album in the can

2 months ago I finished my new album, the release date has been set for early 2009.
The album sounds very different from the previous one the afro sound's influence is much more present as well as a definitive electro feel in most of the songs. The album was recorded and mixed in Montpellier at Studio Lakanal from March to August 2008, with little breaks to take the time to pause and reflect on the work done. I was supported by Franck Chauvier my long time side kick, Julien Raulet (from Fanga the afrobeat band ) and Jean Charles Gorceix one of Lakanal's recording engineer.
There will be some pre release concerts and new songs will be posted soon on my page and hopefully you will click in and send me your comments or check one of the show.

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